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Why Impact Investing Needs a SFDR Article 9 Fund of Funds Approach

This is part of a series of blogs co-authored by Alpha Associates and Innovest Advisory. Innovest is supporting Alpha in the development […]

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European Union Sustainable Finance Regulatory Overview

Article by Benedict Jones Innovest Advisory. In March 2018, the European Commission published the ‘Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth’. […]

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Positive impact and attractive returns – mutually exclusive?

This is part of a series of blogs co-authored by Alpha Associates and Innovest Advisory. Innovest is supporting Alpha in […]

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More than investing: why all organisations should be measuring impact

Justin Sykes, Managing Director of Innovest Advisory, makes the case for Impact Measurement and Management (IMM). Private capital and resources […]

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Sustainable Development Goals
Claiming your Impact

Imogen Box, Fellow In 2015 the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals – a set of 17 goals designed […]

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Partnerships for the Goals
Practitioners’ Guide to Impact investing & Sustainability

As the impact investment industry develops with increasing interest and demand. We have released a report with Guernsey Finance to […]

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Partnerships for the Goals
How Valloop is having a positive social impact on SMEs and their employees

Valloop has created an innovative Social Purpose Buy-Out model to support SMEs to adopt employee ownership, with the right support and funding for growth. This approach offers strong benefits for the employees, the business and investors.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
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Reduced inequalities
Innovest makes the front cover of Contact Magazine

Those who usually would have considered more traditional investments are starting to realise that you can both make money and […]

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