Partnerships for the Goals

Claiming your Impact

Imogen Box, Fellow In 2015 the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals – a set of 17 goals designed […]

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Partnerships for the Goals
Practitioners’ Guide to Impact investing & Sustainability

As the impact investment industry develops with increasing interest and demand. We have released a report with Guernsey Finance to […]

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Partnerships for the Goals
How We Measure Impact

Exploring how we should be measuring impact in part three of our #IMM spotlight blog

Partnerships for the Goals
The 7 reasons why all organisations should be measuring impact

Investigating the reasons to measure impact in part 2 of Innovest's IMM blog series

Partnerships for the Goals
What is Impact Measurement and Management (IMM)?

Introducing Innovest’s IMM Blog Series

Partnerships for the Goals
Innovest and the Amahoro Coalition supporting refugees in Africa

Displacement is a critical issue, disrupting societies across the world and attracting significant attention from the international community. Indeed, the […]

Partnerships for the Goals
Reduced inequalities