Decent Work and Economic Growth

How Valloop is having a positive social impact on SMEs and their employees

Valloop has created an innovative Social Purpose Buy-Out model to support SMEs to adopt employee ownership, with the right support and funding for growth. This approach offers strong benefits for the employees, the business and investors.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Featured Article
Reduced inequalities
Bridging Profit & Purpose

How the Private Sector Can Support Displaced Populations

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Quality Education
Reduced inequalities
Sub-Saharan Africa
Microfinance Institution strives to Stimulate Economic Growth in Somalia

Innovest Advisory partner KIMS Microfinance, features in Inside Arabia article on microfinance in Somalia.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Middle East
Sub-Saharan Africa
New Podcast: Innovest on Islamic Microfinance in the Responsible Finance Podcast

The Responsible Finance Podcast provides access to the leaders behind innovative approaches to creating positive social impact in responsible finance. […]

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sub-Saharan Africa
Innovest’s Microfinance Client Recognised by UN Refugee Agency

Innovest’s microfinance client Kaah International Microfinance Institution [KIMS] was recognised by UNHCR in their article and video about the UN Refugee Agency’s support to refugee returnee […]

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Poverty
Reduced inequalities
Sub-Saharan Africa
Innovest Curates Social Investments that Improve Refugees’ Livelihoods

As refugee crises globally become increasingly protracted there is growing consensus on the need to move from a humanitarian response […]

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Poverty
Reduced inequalities
Innovest goes Stateside to present at SoCap 2017

Innovest spoke about improving refugee livelihoods through market-based solutions at the SOCAP conference in San Francisco – where over 3,000 impact investors, […]

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Poverty
Reduced inequalities